Drainage Problems Leaving You In A Soggy Mood? What You Should Know About Drain Tile

Drainage Problems Leaving You In A Soggy Mood? What You Should Know About Drain Tile

Drainage Problems Leaving You In A Soggy Mood? What You Should Know About Drain Tile

3 November 2014
Construction & Contractors, Blog

If you are struggling with drainage in your yard and find yourself with standing water around the foundation of the house, you'll need to look at some options to encourage more complete water flow. One of the best ways to get the water flowing away from the foundation is by installing drainage tiles. A drainage tile system from a place like http://www.rite-waywaterproofing.com will allow excess water to flow away from the house to a specific drainage outlet where the system is directed. Here's a look at the installation and care required to get the most from drainage tiles.

Identify Problem Areas

After the next heavy rain, take wooden stakes out into the yard and set them up around every area where there's still standing water. If the water hasn't drained within an hour or two of the storm, the affected section of the yard is going to need some drainage help.

Standing water is a serious concern for your grass and your plants. Additionally, standing water is a breeding environment for mosquitoes, which can be a health concern. If you know where you want the water to drain, tie a rope or heavy string to one of the posts and run it in the direction where you want the water to drain.

Create the Drainage Path

Dig out the soil to create a channel running along the path where the rope or string is routed. You'll want to dig a couple of feet deep and almost as wide to facilitate the drainage tile installation. Flatten out the soil at the bottom of the channel, then slope the sides so that the entire structure resembles a "U".

Fill the base of the channel with gravel or crushed stone. Spread it as evenly as possible so that you have a drainage path. Then, place the drainage tiles atop the crushed stone or gravel. Connect the tiles with "T" connectors. Point the longer stem of the connector upward and then position a drainage grid atop the connectors.

Cover the Tile

Once the tile and drainage grid are secure, you need to cover the structure with more crushed stone or gravel. Add several inches of crushed stone, leveling it out as you go. Once the gravel is leveled, add equal parts sand and soil until the channel is full. Add enough of the soil and sand mixture so that it is level with the surrounding ground.

Restore the Yard

Once you have filled the drainage channel, it's time to replant the grass in the area. Choose a water-tolerant seed, because this soil will carry water to the drainage outlet. Bermuda grass is a great option, because it is flood-resistant.

Caring for the Drains

After every significant storm, you'll want to inspect the drain closely for any signs of erosion or damage. Additionally, you should inspect it at the start and end of the rainy season. Clear away any debris that may have accumulated around the drainage outlet. Trash in the drains will hinder proper water flow, which can lead to backups and flooding. Check the condition of the soil throughout the length of the drain path.

Make sure that it is still even and level with the surrounding property. If it's uneven or is sitting lower than the surrounding land, that's a sign that the soil and gravel beneath is eroding. You'll want to shore up the filler to restore the condition of the drain system.

Keeping your basement dry will protect your belongings from the risk of water damage. It also reduces the chances of any mold, mildew or other issues inside the house due to moisture issues. If you are unsure about the structure of your drainage tile, talk with a waterproofing specialist who can help you map the structure and install the drain system.

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All The Better to Build With

When you build something, you want to use good materials that won't deteriorate within years of use. You also want to ensure the item is build properly so that its very construction does not cause it to fail. These two steps — choosing the right materials and building something properly — are actually both really big things to tackle. That's why construction workers have to know so much. Their jobs involve a lot of detail and nuance, from the design phase all of the way down to the finishing. This blog is no replacement for hands-on construction experience, but it is a good place to learn about the basics.
